In the middle of April, Gene's sweet Grandma Luidhardt passed away after living a very long life. We traveled to Ohio for the funeral, which took place at this beautiful old church. It's where she attended church during her life. It was a nice service and it was good to hear the stories about her from others. She was always so kind to me!
I still remember one of the last times we saw her was Christmas time when we all got to stand around her and sing songs. (Gene's brothers and sisters were with us too) Dax also asked to pray for her since she was sick and in the hospital which was so sweet.
She was buried right next to her beautiful church.
After lunch was over, Gene got the honor of helping his Dad bury the casket. Gene's dad is one of the caretakers for this cemetery. It took awhile so that kids got a chance to run around.
As I watched from afar, I couldn't help but notice the bitter sweetness of it all. My husband, with his Dad, whom was burying his mother signified honor and finality to me. At the same time, I watched my kids, who exemplify life, running around darting in between tombstones and being joyful.
It's all so bittersweet!
My kids are so resilient to life's troubles and I can only pray that they continue to live life to the fullest as they did that day!
May they live life joyfully and abundantly all the days of their lives!
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