"How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Psalm 84:1-2

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The funny things about Grace....

Just thought I would let you know some funny things Grace does or says........

-My mom got Grace this Popsicle kit from the dollar store yesterday. (she was watching her during Dax's leg appt) We made our Popsicles this morning.... the funny thing is that she doesn't know her Disney characters very well cause she keeps calling it "Poo Poo" instead of Winnie the Poo.
- I also hear of reports of her having babies in her Sunday school classes. She puts a baby doll underneath her shirt and pulls it out and announces to the world that she just had a baby. (don't worry nothing graphic, just innocent pretending) I wish it was that easy!!!
-She calls her arm pits "Tickle Pits" and I promise she made it up on her own!
-She calls Elevators "Alligators" even though we correct her every time! (smile)
-She likes our wedding pictures and thinks all pretty dresses are for "Marying" ... she gets being married messed up with "Mary" and says she's Mary all the time in her pretty dresses! "I'm Mary"
-She calls coins "Mennies." I think she mixes up the word money and penny together!!

Just a few of the funny things she does to make us laugh! She is so smart and she is becoming quite the conversationist! She loves to talk to anybody and can carry on conversations quite well! Plus, she is so imaginative that she is always thinking of something funny to do or say!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! I love the "marying" part.