What would a ranch be like without horses?
Our VBS starts at 3 years old so Dax and Hayden hung out with mommy all this week. Dax helped me babysit the worker's children on Mon and Tues and then we mainly just walked around the rest of the nights and peeked in on Grace having fun. One night we brought Dax's little bike and he rode in the empty parking lot!! He also enjoyed dancing with the kids on a few nights during music time!
Thanks for hanging out with me last night in the nursery! Cute pictures of the kids
Grace's quote from VBS is too funny! What a great idea to put quotes on your blog :)
Your kids are getting so big! Just absolutely adorable. We did the same VBS at our church last week- I led the music. :) Next year Zachary will be 3 so he can come.
Thanks for checking in with me. No baby yet. I've felt pretty sick all day today, so maybe the baby is going to come soon. I hope :)
I'll be sure to post when it all starts happening...
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