"How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Psalm 84:1-2

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Let's play a game....

Hayden has been playing the "standing in the crib game"

I usually have to go to his bedroom a few times to lay him back down and put the pacifier back in until finally he is too tired to keep trying! Up and down stairs, Up and down stairs!! This has been my life the past week or so but at least I am getting a good workout!! ;)

The first night he started playing this game it was so cute to see him standing there that we gave in to his cuteness and got him up just for bit!!

Okay, cutie pie, you win but from here on out it's not cute anymore!! :)
His smiles are hard to resist but I think we can persevere! :)
(Update: As of this week he has learned to get down himself!! Yeah!)


Anonymous said...


I just think your little guy is so cute! I wouldn't be able to resist picking him up either. Looks like you are very happy and I'm very glad.


Trevor and Kristy Kaufman said...

Oh boy the fun has begun. But you are right he is too cute to resist. Hope you guys are all doing well.