We are having lots of big changes around here at the Luidhardt household. First of all, Hayden just turned ONE on February 26th and just like that......... our baby is not necessarily a baby anymore!! I have lots of pictures of his birthday party coming in the next few posts. The pictures in this post are actually from a couple of weeks ago when he ate a chocolate cookie!! He can be pretty messy sometimes!! I can't imagine life without this little guy! He is such a blessing!
Annie ChangesI (Annie) have alot of fun stuff going on too. First of all, I didn't mention it this summer but I stepped down from being the leader of ME Time (our mom's group that met once a month) and took a couple of months off. I felt as if God was calling me to take a little break and be home for while which was nice. A few months into my break I was asked to join Women's ministry at our church. After praying about it, I felt as if God was slowly calling me back into leadership. I am just a part of the team, not the leader, which is nice because there is not as much responsibility. It's been a good transition and I have enjoyed it thus far. One of the things I do is lead a Monday night Bible study in which we are doing Beth Moore's newest study called "Stepping Up." It's a wonderful study on the Psalms of Ascent and about taking the next step in our level of intimacy with God.
Church Changes
We also had a big change happen at our church. About two months ago our pastor of seven years broke the news that God was calling him to a different church. It is always so bittersweet when you have to experience a transition like that and even though it is a good thing there is always some sadness and grief to lose such a great Pastor. We are truly excited for what God has planned for him at his new Church in Nashville, Tenn!! As well, we are looking forward to what God has planned for our church too! We know he has an awesome pastor out there for us and we can't wait to meet him. God has also given me the opportunity to be on the Pastoral Search committee which is very exciting. Pray that our Church seeks God in this transition even more so then ever and that we will know as a committee who God is calling to be our next Pastor!

Finally, one our biggest changes has been that Gene started a new job just two weeks ago. It certainly was an answer to prayer and something that has been on our hearts for more than two years. It was a little frustrating to wait for a new job to open it's door but as I look back in hindsight at all those closed doors ..... I am glad we waited for this one!! During the last two years, our desire was for Gene to find something that would work better with our family. We have found it!! Gene is now working for Western Southern Life selling life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, and other financial products. The schedule is so great and flexible. He won't have to work any weekends now!! (I am not a single mom at Church anymore!!) He can always plan to be off in time for Church on Wednesdays too which is wonderful. He actually has time in the morning now because he doesn't have to be there until 9, so he has time to run, do his devotionals, and eat breakfast with us which is awesome! If he doesn't need to meet with a client he can also come home for lunch because work is only a few minute away! He has all the major holidays off and he will even get Good Friday off this year!! (In the past he has had to work on Easter once!!! Crazy huh!!) There are actually many more benefits but I don't have time to mention them all! He is loving it! Right now he is still going through the training process but he is catching on fast.

He looks so handsome in all his dress up clothes!!!!!!
Congrats on the new job! How exciting!! I love your new family picture. And the quotes you always put on here crack me up! :)
CONGRATULATIONS Gene! I am so happy for you!
oh, also, just wanted to let you know that you have my last name spelled incorrectly in your quick link section to the left. eaglemAn. haha. just an FYI! :o)
So wonderful!! Congratulations!!!
Thank you Jesus! He has truly answered some prayers in your family! Its times like these that remind me that GOD ALWAYS HEARS US AND SEES OUR NEEDS! We think we need to do one thing and He shows us whats better! Thank you for sharing, its been a blessing!
What great news! Congratulations to Gene and happy birthday to Hayden!
I love the quote from Grace :) She is too cute!
Congrats on all the good news!! Sounds like the change is a positive one.
We are so happy for you guys!
Oh by the way the toastmaster mom comment really made us laugh!
Thanks for finally sharing!! I was on the edge of my seat! Ok, now some comments. First, Gene looks like Kurt in the last photo. Second, I love the family photos and the matching sweater idea is adorable. Third, I love that you are helping out with the Beth Moore study. I did her study on the book of Daniel, and it was great!! I love to be encouraged in my faith!
That is so amazing, Annie!! I am so happy for you...maybe camping together will be a little easier this summer?!?
The pictures are adorable too...we are also hoping to get family pictures this spring with Damaris turning 1 and Titus turning 3.
Hopefully we can get together again sometime soon!!
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