We pray that everyone had a joyous Sunday celebrating the empty tomb and the life we have been given by the resurrection of Jesus!!
"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus..." Ephesians 2:4-6

A couple extra of Grace, not because I love her more but because she holds still the best!! ;)

Checking out their Easter Baskets before Church....

Ready..... Set..... Go!!!!
After a wonderful service at church we had a little family gathering where the kids got to do an egg hunt.

The boys finding eggs.......

I helped Hayden find two eggs and after he found them he wouldn't let go of them the whole afternoon! On the right, Grace is checking out what's inside of all her eggs!
When we got home that evening we hid these Resurrection Eggs. They are really cool because
each egg has an item that represents something about the true meaning of Easter. For example, number 11 has a stone in it to represent the stone at the tomb and of course number 12 is empty to represent that Jesus is alive and was not found in the tomb. Some other items in there are a crown of thorns, nails in the shape of cross, a donkey, a leather whip and so on. As we opened them, we let them tell us what the item was and what they thought it meant. It's fun to be able to teach them about the real meaning of Easter in a creative way. It also comes with a little devotional that gives you verses and a more in depth explanation of each egg which will come in more handy as our kids get older! Grace did a really good job this year explaining them to us. She seems to be getting it little by little which is so much fun to watch. I even heard her explaining it to her cousins yesterday when they were at our house.

Checking out their Easter Baskets before Church....

Ready..... Set..... Go!!!!
After a wonderful service at church we had a little family gathering where the kids got to do an egg hunt.

The boys finding eggs.......

I helped Hayden find two eggs and after he found them he wouldn't let go of them the whole afternoon! On the right, Grace is checking out what's inside of all her eggs!
When we got home that evening we hid these Resurrection Eggs. They are really cool because

I can't believe how much Grace especially has grown up. It makes me sad because its been almost a year since we were up there.
We have those eggs too, but I have never thought about hiding them and then seeing what they thought it meant! You are creative!! :) I will have to keep that in mind for future years...
Have a great day!
Those eggs are really neat. I'll have to look for those!
Your kids looked adorable :) Happy Easter!
Love the Resurrecton Eggs idea. Did you purchase them at Familylife.com?
are you guys still around??
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