We just spent last week doing VBS at our church! Gene and I were on the VBS planning team this year which was fun! In the past, Gene was never able to make it there for the whole week because of work but this year was different. He was the Games area leader and I was the Crew leader recruiter and area leader! As for the kids, Hayden hung out in the nursery all week and the big kids got to attend VBS! Counting Sunday setup and Friday night tear down it makes for a long week but one that is very worthwhile and fun!!
We had about 130 kids on average each night which is a little low but considering gas prices and the local fair coming up we are assuming some families stayed home this year! I had 30 crew leaders and 10 helpers/subs who did an amazing job this year!
The theme this year was Power Lab: Discovering Jesus' Miraculous Power! If you love Science you would have loved this theme! The kids seemed to love it too!!

It was Dax's first time to attend VBS because he just turned three! He didn't get the concept to stay with his group at first but by the end of the week he was doing well! The main problem was that Gene and I were around so much that he thought the he could just come to us at any time! We just kept reminding him that he was supposed to stay with his crew leader and he finally got it!!

Gene was in charge of Hyperspeed Games which was new for him!! He did an amazing job and was so good with all the kids!!
It was Dax's first time to attend VBS because he just turned three! He didn't get the concept to stay with his group at first but by the end of the week he was doing well! The main problem was that Gene and I were around so much that he thought the he could just come to us at any time! We just kept reminding him that he was supposed to stay with his crew leader and he finally got it!!
Gene was in charge of Hyperspeed Games which was new for him!! He did an amazing job and was so good with all the kids!!
My niece Emma and then Grace trying one of the experiments!! Putting paper over a cup of water and then turning it over to see if the paper holds the water in which it did most of the time!
Bubbles were a big hit during Games!
The Mentos in the two liter of coke probably was the biggest hit of Gene's games! It was even fun for me to watch too!
All in all it was so much fun and such a good week!! For some odd reason I didn't get that many pictures which is disappointing, but at least I got a few to remember it all!! I just pray that all the kids who attended either blossomed in their growing faith or had seeds planted for future growth in Christ! May we all experience Jesus' Miraculous Power in our lives daily!!
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