"How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Psalm 84:1-2

Friday, November 30, 2007

Leaves, leaves, everywhere......

Before it got too cold and before all the leaves were gone we decided to have fun with them!! It was a beautiful day and the lighting was good so the pictures turned out great!!

Gene's favorite part was throwing leaves on top of the kids so we couldn't see them anymore or just plain throwing the kids into the leaf pile!!
Dax got the award for the best action shot of the day for his big jump!!


The Athearns said...

Great pictures!! I love the one of Grace laying in the leaves--she looks so cute! :)

Topher, Tina, Linnea & Sofia said...

These are great pics. Has it snowed by you yet? I am sure your kids are ready for some snow fun.

Trevor and Kristy Kaufman said...

Looks like you guys had loads of fun in the leaves this year. That is a great one of Dax jumping. I love when you catch a good action shot that actually turns out. Hope you guys are doing well. Sorry we haven't talked lately. We have been crazy around here with buying our house, Christmas stuff, and working on the youth convention stuff. I'll try to call this week sometime.
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Those are great photos! Your kids are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

these are some gorgeous children, i must say! i think dax's action shot rocks!! i miss you, we need to plan our girl's night out soon!!

Heather and Scott Karl said...

I keep looking for an update that's more wintery!!