I guess I took little break from blogging but I should be back for awhile! ;) We have had lots of new stuff happen this month. So here is a little update on everything in the Luidhardt household!!

She just keeps growing up and does so many big things these days. She likes to pour her own drinks and make her own sandwhichs. She has opinions about what she wants to wear and most days picks out her own clothing. She actually cleaned up her room the other day without being asked. She is very helpful with the boys and can even carry Hayden short distances. She is still pretty dramatic and when she is upset at me.........she sometimes tells me....."You're not my best friend!" She is also growing in height because I had to go to 5t jeans for length but they are very big in the waist!

He is getting to be such a big boy and I have actually had lots of comments from our Toddler room workers at Church remark about how big he seems these days. He just keeps expanding his vocab and can hold a conversation with just about anyone. He uses the potty occasionally but nothing regularly yet. (I am pretty laid back about potty training.... I will wait for his lead) He loves to play with Grace and has gotten really good at initiating pretending himself. He used just follow Grace's lead with pretending but he can now come up with senerios himself.

Hayden just turned 11 months on the 26th of January which means I am going to be planning his first birthday soon! Yikes! He is doing all sorts of new things these days and he definitely thinks he is just as big as his brother and sister! In the pictures up above the big kids had gone upstairs to play in Grace's room and Hayden didn't want to be left out. He just stood on that ledge making noises to say..... "Hey, I want to come too!!"

He also got his first chance at riding the red tricyle at my mom's house. We followed him around just to make sure he didn't let go. He didn't want to stop after that and kept trying to get back on it!

Hayden's biggest News is that he has started WALKING!!! Here is a short video clip from my digital camera. My camera does really short video clips but without sound so it's not the best quality but it works! Maybe I will try and get my camcorder out and download one from there soon.
PS. I will also be updating soon about all the other big news around here but for now this is going to have to keep you satisfied!!
Way to go, Hayden! Your kids certainly are growing up quickly. I cant believe how quickly time flies.
So what is all this "other big news"- now you've got me curious!
My 10 month old isn't even really crawling yet!! She's scooting on her butt and rolling a bit. She tries to crawl but just can't quite coordinate it. Don't keep us in suspense too long!!!
I need your email address Annie.
Enjoyed your new update! Your kids are all so cute :) That is exciting that Hayden is walking. Allie will be 10 months in about a week and she's far from walking (at least it seems that way right now). She's just getting the hang of crawling. Looking forward to hearing about your other news!
Love the clip of hayden walking. My goodness grace is getting big! They are so cute and I cant wait to see them again
Thanks for updating your blog! I was starting to think you were going to quit on me here. The kids are cute as always. I'll call you here soon. We still aren't in the house yet but hopefully this week or next. Keep praying for it to come soon!
what is "all the other big news"??? new job for Gene? pregnant again? I'm so curious!!
Thanks for the comments. We are having a boy. The technician repeatedly pointed out the penis at 37 weeks, so odds are VERY good that she's right.
You're MIA again!!
So what is the other big news? I hope you guys are doing well :)
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