"How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Psalm 84:1-2

Monday, March 3, 2008

Family Photos....

We just recently went to JC Penney's to take Hayden's one year old pictures. While we were there we also got family pictures done and they turned out great! (It is not always easy to get good family pictures these days!) We also tried to get one of just the three kiddos but only this one turned out! They were getting tired of sitting still! Hayden's pictures turned out cute too and I will show them in the next post!!

Make sure you check out the big news post below......


Anonymous said...

Those photos are amazing! You guys have such a beautiful family :)

Anonymous said...

You have a very beautiful family. All the pictures look so good!


dasiefert said...

Awesome pics. Some photographers can take great pics. But it helps when you have such a cute family.

Topher, Tina, Linnea & Sofia said...

All of the pictures are great! We go to JCP and I have always been pleased with the pictures. Besides the pictures all of the news is great too. I think most wives would like their husbands to dress up for work...Chris only has to dress up when clients come in to the office, which is just about never!