"How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Psalm 84:1-2

Monday, April 28, 2008

Makayla's bowling party.....

Happy 7th Birthday to Makayla!! Makayla with her beautiful toothless smile!! She just lost her two front teeth!!

Makayla blowing out her candles and then Grace bowling!

My brother's newest Abram and then his daughter Aleigha.

Dax playing with a car video game which he enjoyed more then the bowling. (We didn't even put quarters in it for him to have fun) On the right is of Hayden getting excited about his ball hitting the pins!!

Hayden even bowled this time as you can see from this video!! He actually seemed to really enjoy it. He would wave bye to the ball and get really excited when the ball would knock down pins! (Not the best video because it was taken from my photo camera)

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