"How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Psalm 84:1-2

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Things I love about Grace......

I love this sweet girl of mine!!
Obviously, she was my firstborn, so she has taught me so much about being a mother! I never knew how much I could love someone so immediately and so intensely until I had her!
 She's also taught me so much about the Father's love for us!!
 It's amazing!!
She's definitely has those first born traits and is very independent!
 She reminds me of myself in so many ways but she is also so different then me too!
 She has never met a stranger and if she doesn't meet a new friend every time we go somewhere then something's wrong!
She is very passionate and lives life with emotion!!
The phrase, "This is the best day ever!", comes out of her mouth about weekly if that tells you anything!
She is also very optimistic which I love and encourage!!
She can smile with the best of them and has the sweet spirit to go with it!!
I always say that God knew what he was doing when He gave me Grace first because she is the best big sister ever!
 She's loves to help with them and is so sweet with them! (Most of the time....)
 In fact, sometime I have to remind her that she isn't their mom or their boss!! ;)
She's grown so much in the Lord these past few years! She loves Him and wants to please Him!
She always wants to do the right thing which is admirable!
It's fun watching her mature in that area!! 
I can't wait to see all that God has planned for her!
 She's amazing and I am so blessed to be her mom!


Michelle M. said...

She really does sound like an amazing girl!

Miracle said...

I love that one of her and Dax as a baby. So cute!!